Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Msn Slut List Guys Making Me Feel Like Im Some Kind Of Geek/idiot Cause I Wont Show Them My Sexual Parts On Cam On MSN?

Guys making me feel like im some kind of geek/idiot cause i wont show them my sexual parts on cam on MSN? - msn slut list

I almost cried last night because I have kids on my list and when I discussed with them some of them tell me they'll show CAM & flash my tits or my stomach or vagina and tell her that I am not a whore, and as I say, no respect for me and when I start it calls me horrible names, and asked that I'm pathetic and say shit and just make me feel like a kind of geek or something, and I do not want my Belly bands show because I was a baby, and my stomach is full of long, thick a weak stomach dropped when it is not as attractive, and I told them why I did not show and then just said Eeeewwww who wants that shit watch on cam, lowered self-esteem and confidence. Because I'm a geek ia i dont show my breasts? I feel like if I do not like my breasts! In the sick and abused me, because I pretty shit? What do you think of this guy? Not only guys never cat-Fourth Avenue can be achieved.


Anna!!! said...

Do not talk to them. (of tapas)
No, you're a geek. Most women do not appear in the breasts or anything, but again, most women would probably not talk with someone like this anyway on your computer. These guys are idiots. I mean, it's not really much to say. You should not talk to them. If you want to show on your body, do not.

J-K said...

Tell them to show for the first time. He is not! Are you aware of any picture on the Internet probably never deleted. If you have a picture of you naked in the web-cam somewhere post, you will never be able to erase them. Her husband, her children, her pastor, anyone can access it. Keep your shirt and say to hell. Do not let the pressure you feel as if you were a pariah. If they continue to berate you have a digital voice recorder, and save your nasty comments. To athorities speed, the police, the director or the parents and let them know the idiots who tormented by. GOOD LUCK!

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